Maui Wowie, also known as “Maui Waui” or “Mowie Wowie,” is a strain derived from a cross between a Hawaiian cannabis strain and an unknown variety. Renowned for inducing high-energy euphoria, Maui Wowie enthusiasts often praise its delightful pineapple undertones in taste. Described as producing a happy and uplifted feeling, many users report a positive and energetic response.
This strain, originating in Hawaii in the 1960s, is associated with a somewhat tropical flavor featuring hints of pineapple. During its introduction, Maui Wowie stood out for its higher THC levels, making it one of the first strains of that era to possess notable potency, with THC levels reaching the teens percent. It is generally considered a great daytime strain, with users advised against using it at night unless planning daytime activities in the dark hours.