Popeyes Extractions Mini Shroom Bar – Dark Chocolate – 1000MG


A “mini” version of the Popeyes Extractions dark chocolate Shroom CannaBar – the same exquisite delectable taste of high-quality 64% cocoa with 1000mg of dried shroom extract. Every chocolate is made from the highest-quality ingredients to satisfy your taste buds, and with 1000 mg of dried mushroom for your psychedelic enjoyment.

Packing a lot of punch in a small package along with a lot of delicious satisfying flavour!


A “mini” version of the Popeyes Extractions dark chocolate Shroom CannaBar – the same exquisite delectable taste of high-quality 64% cocoa with 1000mg of dried shroom extract. Every chocolate is made from the highest-quality ingredients to satisfy your taste buds, and with 1000 mg of dried mushroom for your psychedelic enjoyment.

Packing a lot of punch in a small package along with a lot of delicious satisfying flavour!

Why Choose Shroom Bars?
There are many reasons why some prefer shroom bars over dried mushrooms! If you’re a beginner, you can start by enjoying the wonderful chocolate taste in small pieces, and ingesting shrooms in small, known dosed quantities.

As well, some people find that eating dried shrooms at times causes an unpleasant side-effect of nausea or bloating due to chitin that is found in dried mushrooms. While chitin, which is related to cellulose, a polysaccharide, is generally non-toxic (it’s found in many organic foods), it can sometimes cause discomfort for some in digestion. So, when you consume magic mushrooms with chocolate, this can lower the risk of these digestive side-effects, giving you a wonderful flavour to enjoy as you get lifted and float into shroom euphoria.

Recreational Use – Shroom Bars
Popeyes Extractions Shroom bars are perfect for recreational use! Use them any time you want – in small doses or larger – depending on what effects you are looking for. Take the chocolate along on hikes, walks, or wherever you’d like to experience the effects of shrooms – or just nibble on a piece or two for improved clarity and focus.

Mini Shroom Bars each have 1000 mg of dried magic mushroom extract – which gives you a great dose in a small package which you can take anywhere with you! But be aware that the trip from consuming one of these mini shroom bars can have potent effects, depending on your own history and tolerance – be sure to schedule some time to enjoy, and when you won’t be driving or other activities until you know how a dose of 1000 mg affects you. In fact, it’s a good idea not to plan to drive anyway for several hours.
