Initially known as “Cush,” Green Crack earned its lasting moniker from none other than Snoop Dogg. Occasionally referred to as “Mango Crack” or “Green Crush,” this strain is renowned for its potency, boasting THC levels of up to 24%. Notably powerful, even seasoned users find that a little goes a long way with this strain.
The Green Crack strain of weed is undeniably descended from Skunk #1, but beyond that, its exact lineage remains a subject of debate. While many acknowledge the involvement of an Afghan strain, the strain’s origins are thought by some to trace back to Athens, Georgia. Regardless, it has been in existence since the 1970s, originally known as “Cush” before earning the enduring nickname bestowed by Snoop Dogg.
Characterized by an earthy profile complemented by fruity notes, it offers a somewhat sweet flavor, with some users detecting hints of mango.